American Hellenic Institute


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Greek American Organizations Send Letter to President Bush Stating Annan Plan "Not in the Best Interests of the U.S."
April 19, 2004—No.29 (202) 785-8430


WASHINGTON, DC—On April 19, 2004, Greek American organizations sent a letter to President Bush stating that the Annan Plan "is not in the best interests of the U.S." The letter to President Bush follows:

April 19, 2004

The Honorable George W. Bush
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20500

Re: The Annan Plan is not in the best interests of the U.S.

Dear Mr. President:

The fifth and final Annan Plan submitted March 31, 2004 is still not in the best interests of the U.S. It continues to need serious changes to make it functional, financially viable, just and compatible with American values and the EU’s acquis communautaire and democratic norms, the European Convention on Human Rights and key UN resolutions.

In addition to not being functional and viable, the Annan Plan unbelievably:

  • rewards Turkey’s aggression and punishes the Greek Cypriot victims;

  • allows the 100,000 illegal settlers to remain;

  • does not provide for demilitarization of Cyprus, but allows a substantial number of Turkey’s armed forces to remain;

  • perpetuates ethnic divisions;

  • applies a double standard on the rule of law to Turkey which also breeds anti-Americanism, not just in the region but throughout the world;

  • harms Americans whose property in the occupied areas has been illegally taken by the illegal settlers and Turkish Cypriots; and

  • sets a terrible precedent for building democratic institutions in Turkey, the Middle East and elsewhere.

Enclosed is a copy of our February 19, 2004 letter to you in which we informed you that the major Greek American membership organizations are calling for serious changes in the Annan Plan "in the interests of the U.S. to make the Plan democratic, workable, financially viable and just." That position has not changed today. The fifth Annan Plan still has serious flaws which need to be changed.

On April 1, 2004 at the White House ceremony commemorating Greek Independence Day, you responded to a question regarding Cyprus by stating that the Cypriot people will be making their own decision on their future in a referendum and that " . . . we are not going to tell them how to vote."

However, actions and comments this past week by members of your Administration, show the contrary.

State Department Spokesperson Richard Boucher on April 12, 13, 14 and 15 repeatedly stated "we urge everybody to support the plan" and referred to numerous phone calls being made by administration officials. The orchestrated lobbying campaign by your administration to pressure the Greek Cypriots is a rank interference in the internal affairs of the Greek Cypriots, is contrary to your stated comment to Greek Americans and unworthy of our nation.

The U.S. caused the problem in 1974 by the illegal actions of Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger. The U.S. has an obligation to redress the situation and not condone Turkish aggression.

A "no" vote on the Annan Plan on April 24, 2004 is in the interests of the U.S. and will create a favorable climate for further negotiations after May 1, 2004 which will benefit all parties to the negotiations and will be in the interests of the U.S. The U.S. needs to support a solution that reflects U.S. values, that unites the people of Cyprus and which has a real chance to establish a long-lasting functional and viable Cyprus.

Hellenic American National Council
Ted Spyropoulos, President

Order of AHEPA
A. Jack Georgalas, Supreme President

American Hellenic Institute
Gene Rossides, President


The following Greek American membership organizations have also approved this letter:

Federation of American Hellenic Societies of New York
Federation of American Hellenic Societies of Philadelphia
Federation of American Hellenic Societies of New England
Federation of American Hellenic Societies of Chicago
Federation of American Hellenic Societies of Florida
Pan Laconian Federation of USA
Pan Macedonian Association
Federation of American Hellenic Societies of Northern California
American Hellenic Council of California
Pan Cretan Federation of USA
Panepirotic Federation of USA
Pan Corinthian Societies of America
Hellenic Society Paideia
Pan Pontian Federation of America


cc:    Vice President Richard B. Cheney
Secretary of State Colin L. Powell
Secretary of the Treasury John W. Snow
Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld
Deputy Secretary of State Richard Lee Armitage
Chief of Staff Andrew Card
National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice
Senior Advisor to the President Karl Rove
Advisor to the President Karen Hughes
Director of OMB Joshua Bolten
Under Secretary of State Marc Grossman
Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs A. Elizabeth Jones
Special Coordinator for Cyprus Thomas Weston
The Congress

For copy of February 19, 2004 letter enclosed, please see our Web site at For additional information, please contactVivian Basdekis at (202) 785-8430 or at For general information on AHI, see our Web site at