AHIF Releases Spring 2017 Issue of Online Policy Journal
WASHINGTON, DC—The American Hellenic Institute Foundation (AHIF) is pleased to announce the release of its eighth volume of its policy journal. The online journal is available gratis at AHIF Policy Journal website, http://ahiworld.serverbox.net/AHIFpolicyjournal/.
The policy journal of the American Hellenic Institute is a forum for commentary and scholarship on issues of vital importance to Greek Americans. In his introduction to the current issue, Editor Dan Georgakas writes of the pressing foreign policy issues facing the United States, Greece, and Cyprus.
Georgakas states, “A new administration has arrived in Washington during a perilous time in the Eastern Mediterranean. Turkey is rapidly moving toward a dictatorial government while simultaneously questioning legally established borders. The challenges remain: the intransigence of an authoritarian Turkey, the continuing refugee crisis, the political quagmires in Syria and Iraq, the possibility of a Kurdish state, the persecution of non-Muslims in much of the Arab world, and jihadists able to mount terrorist actions in the West as well as in the Middle East.”
The issue’s first section is titled, “The Crisis in the Eastern Mediterranean.” Six essays discuss the crisis from a variety of perspectives. The five essays that follow take on broader issues that concern Greek America. In the “Emerging Voices of Greek America” section, young scholars and activists discuss the refugee crisis in Greece, gay rights in Greece, and the Pontian and Armenian genocides. Our two book reviews address the economic crisis in Greece and the some of the roots of the Cyprus conflict. Here is a list of the articles.
The Crisis in the Eastern Mediterranean
- Setting the Record Straight on Turkey by Nick Larigakis
- Turkey’s Non-European Perspective by Karolos Gadis
- On the Centenary of the Greek Genocide by Hannibal Travis
- Turkish Aggression: U.S. Interests, and the Need for Stability in the Eastern Mediterranean by Constantine G. Hatzidimitriou
- The Persecution of Christians in the Middle East by Alon Ben-Meir
- The Forgotten Genocide of the Greeks of Asia Minor by George Mavropoulos
Feature Essays
- Germany’s Wartime Occupation Loan: A Legal View by Nicholas Karambelas
- Setting the Record Straight on “Macedonia” by Georgea Polizos
- From Plato to NATO: 2,500 Years of Democracy and The End of History by Despina Lalaki
- Immigration of Jews from Ioannina to the United States by Marcia Haddad Ikonomopoulos
- Defending and Advancing Hellenic Values and Interests by Leonidas Petrakis
Emerging Voices of Greek America
- Greece’s Other Crisis: The Rise of the Refugee Crisis and the Decline of European Political Unity by Michael Boosalis and Chris Kennard
- Are All Greeks Really Equal Before the Law? by Ruth-Helen Vassilas
- To Recognize or Not? The Politics of the Pontian and Armenian Genocides by Melina Dunham
Book reviews
- James K. Galbraith, Welcome to the Poisoned Chalice: The Destruction of Greece and the Future of Europe Reviewed by Peter Bratsis
- Constandinos, Andreas. The Cyprus Crisis: Examining the Role of the British and American Governments During 1974 Reviewed by Chris Deliso.
The AHIF Policy Journal invites authors to submit articles on recent policy and historical developments that affect U.S. relations with Greece, Cyprus, Turkey, Southeastern Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean. Authors are encouraged to submit completed articles to Yola Pakhchanian via email at: yolap@ahiworld.org
For submission guidelines and publishing information please visit our Web site at: http://ahiworld.serverbox.net/AHIFpolicyjournal/author-guidelines/ or following the link from the AHI website at www.AHIworld.org.
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