Author Guidelines
The AHIF Policy Journal invites authors to submit articles on recent policy and historical developments that affect U.S.’s relationship with Greece, Cyprus, Turkey, Southeastern Europe and the Middle East.
How to Submit
Authors are encouraged to submit completed articles to Yola Pakhchanian, via email at For any questions, please contact Mrs. Pakhchanian as follows:
Yola Pakhchanian
Director of Publications
American Hellenic Institute
1220 16th St., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036
Tel: 202.785.8430
Fax: 202.785.5178
Manuscripts must be original and not currently under review elsewhere. If an article is scheduled for publication elsewhere, the author should clearly indicate this at the time of submission. Manuscripts must be accompanied by an abstract of 120 to 150 words and a 50 to 100 word biographical note introducing the contributor’s education background, current affiliations, research interests, recent publications and full contact details (email, phone, fax and postal).
Format for Submissions
All submissions must be in English and submitted electronically (in Microsoft Word format).
- The article should be written in Times New Roman font.
- The title of the article should be in size 20, paragraph titles should be bold and centered, size 11.
- The main text should be written in size 11.
- Notes should be placed at the end of the paper (Endnotes).
- References should be listed alphabetically at the end of the paper.
All articles submitted for publication should contain an abstract.
Textual style generally follows the Chicago Manual of Style.
Requirements for each category of submission
Scholarly articles
- Scholarly manuscripts should be approximately 7,000 to 8,000 words. Longer manuscripts will be considered only in exceptional circumstances.
- Articles will be reviewed by the Editors and will be forwarded for peer review upon their assessment.
- Endnotes (not footnotes) in Chicago note style should be used. Notes should be kept to a minimum, and lengthy notes are strongly discouraged.
- An abstract should be included, not to exceed 250 words, as well as a list of keywords.
Shorter articles, essays or briefing papers
The journal encourages the submission of shorter articles of a timely nature. These should be approximately 2,500 to 3,500 words in length and require few citations. They will be reviewed only by the Editors, and will generally appear more quickly than those subject to the peer-review process. Unsolicited articles are welcomed.
Student notes
A special feature of the AHIF Policy Journal will be a “Student notes” section.
Book reviews
Book reviews are welcomed and will be considered by the Editors who assume no responsibility for them.
The Review Process
By necessity the timing of the review process varies, but we hope to reply to authors within three to four weeks of receiving the submission.
The AHIF shall acquire the copyright to all works published in the AHIF policy journal and have the right of first publication in any format including print and online. The AHIF may, in its sole discretion, edit the content of each work submitted for publication.
All rights reserved. All articles appearing in the AHIF Policy Journal are the copyright of the Journal. The online edition is free to individuals and institutions. Copies of the individual articles are strictly prohibited. Reproduction, storage or transmission of this work in any form or by any means beyond that permitted by Sections 107 and 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law is unlawful without prior permission in writing of the publisher, or in accordance with the terms of licenses issued by the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) and other organizations authorized by the publisher to administer reprographic reproduction rights. Distribution of the published articles for research or educational purposes is possible, but requires the formal authorization of the Journal editor and the authors. Commercial use of the AHIF Policy Journal or the articles contained herein is expressly prohibited without the written consent of the Managing Editor.