The Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral of New England Cultural Events Committee Presents a Panel Presentation on: The Theological School of Halki: Past, Present & Future
You are cordially invited to a panel discussion on "The Theological School of Halki: Past, Present & Future" at the Cathedral Center, 162 Goddard Avenue, Brookline, MA 02445 on March 31, 2011, at 7:00pm.
The program will consist of a multifaceted panel discussion on the history of the School, its significance – prospects and obstacles to its reopening, the position, actions and responsibility of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and at a broader scale, that of the United States.
The panelists are:
Mr. Christos Papoutsy, Historian, Philanthropist Author: Ecumenical Patriarchate of Orthodox Christianity Under Siege The Holy Theological School of Halki - Historical Review *** Mr. George Rockas, Esquire Wilson Else Moskowitz Edelman & Dicker LLP Chair, International Archons Religious Freedom Conference, Brussels The Significance of Halki – Prospects & Obstacles to its Reopening *** Mr. Nick Larigakis, President American Hellenic Institute, Washington, D.C. Halki – U.S. Position and Responsibility *** The Honorable Bruce Tarr, State Senator The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Halki – The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Position & Actions *** Professor Michalis Psalidopoulos The C. Karamanlis Chair in Hellenic & Southeastern European Studies, Tufts University Halki – An Economist’s View *** Moderator: Mrs. Mary Papoutsy
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For additional information, please contact Demetra Astaloglou at (202) 785-8430 or For general information about the activities of AHI, please see our website at
The American Hellenic Institute is a nonprofit public policy organization that works to strengthen relations between the United States and Greece and Cyprus, and also within the American Hellenic community.
1220 16th Street, NW | Washington, D.C. 20036 Phone 202-785-8430 | Fax 202-785-5178 |