American Hellenic Institute


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1999 Press Releases
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# Article Title Date Hits
1 Professor Constantine Hatzidimitriou Named Director of the AHIF Center for the Study of Human Rights and Hellenism 01/13/99 5161
2 Famed Singer and Philanthropist Nana Mouskouri to Attend American Hellenic Institute Annual Dinner 02/09/99 4426
3 American Hellenic Institute Public Affairs Committee: Legislative Policy Conference in San Diego, CA Addressed by Congressman Randy Cunningham 02/10/99 4379
4 American Hellenic Institute Releases 1999 Greek American Policy Statements 03/01/99 4399
5 AHI Response to Washington Post and Boston Globe Editorials on Greece 03/03/99 4526
6 AHIPAC Testimony Highlights Positive Roles of Greece and Cyprus for U.S. Interests, Condemns Turkey as Primary Source for Regional Problems and Charges Cover-Up in Administration Policy Toward Turkey 03/04/99 3838
7 AHI Statement Regarding the case of Abdullah Ocalan 03/05/99 4530
8 AHI Hosts 24th Hellenic Heritage and National Public Service Awards Dinner 03/10/99 4361
9 AHI To Hold Conference in Athens on May 4-5, 1999 03/11/99 4273
10 AHI Announces Agreement With Hermes Expo '99 to Promote Their 1999 Trade Show and Exhibition 03/12/99 4397
11 AHI Letter to President Clinton 03/18/99 4344
12 Statement of Eugene Rossides on Cyprus Chapter in Henry Kissinger's Years of Renewal 03/23/99 4232
13 AHI Postpones Athens Conference 04/01/99 4615
14 AHI Letter to President Clinton on Yugoslavia Criticizes Double Standards Toward Turkey Regarding Cyprus and The Kurds 04/02/99 4188
15 AHI Letter to President Clinton on Yugoslavia and Double Standard on Turkey Sent to Entire Congress 04/08/99 4060
16 AHI Welcomes New Legislative Assistant 04/13/99 4395
17 AHI Public Policy Consultant on National Television 04/14/99 4216
18 NATO and Kosovo: Turning a Serious Mistake Into a Catastrophe 04/29/99 4180
19 AHIPAC Senate Testimony Condemns U.S. Application of Double Standard Toward Turkey on Cyprus and the Kurds, Advocates Closer Relationships With Greece and Cyprus to Advance U.S. Interests 04/29/99 4157
20 AHI to Hold Capitol Hill Conference to Mark 25th Anniversary of Turkish Invasion of Cyprus 05/03/99 4294
21 AHI Public Policy Consultant Appears on National Television, Calls For Diplomatic Solution to Kosovo Crisis 05/05/99 3950
22 AHI Letter to State Department re. Milosevic and Ecevit Cites Evidence of Turkish War Crimes 06/02/99 4433
23 AHI Co-Sponsors "Hands Across the Capitol" Rally to Mark the 25th Anniversary of Turkey's Invasion of Cyprus 06/08/99 4161
24 AHI Letter to Chairman Jesse Helms Raises Concerns About Nomination of Richard Holbrooke as U.S. Permanent Representative at the United Nations 06/18/99 4345
25 AHI Statement on G8 and U.N. Calls for New Talks on Cyprus 07/01/99 4374
26 AHI and AHEPA Joint Letter to President Clinton on 25th Anniversary of Turkey's Invasion of Cyprus Calls for Realistic and Moral Approach 07/20/99 4104
27 "Hands Around the Capitol" Rally Marks 25th Anniversary of Turkey's Invasion of Cyprus 07/21/99 4196
28 AHI Plays Key Role in Winning House of Representatives Endorsement of the Rule of Law and Greek Sovereign Territory in the Aegean 07/22/99 4245
29 American Hellenic Institute Foundation Holds Capitol Hill Conference on Cyprus 08/02/99 4411
30 AHI Letter to President Clinton Protests Sale of Blackhawk Helicopters to Turkey 08/03/99 4471
31 AHI Letter to National Security Adviser Berger Calls for Action Rather Than lip Service 08/06/99 4131
32 New U.S. Ambassador to Cyprus Visits Hellenic House for Discussions With Community Officials 08/11/99 4277
33 AHI Urges President Clinton to Take Advantage of the New Climate of Friendship Between Greece and Turkey 09/20/99 4085
34 American Hellenic Institute Celebrates Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Convention 10/13/99 4232
35 AHI to Hold Conferences in Athens and Cyprus on How U.S. Foreign Policy is Made and the Role of Greek Americans 11/08/99 4145
36 AHI Launches Major Media Campaign on U.S. Policy Toward Turkey 11/08/99 4231
37 White House Requests Transcript of Speech Delivered at AHI Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Convention for President's Visit to Greece 11/08/99 4074
38 AHI Statement on the Visit of President Clinton to Greece 11/16/99 4280
39 AHI Holds Successful Conferences in Greece and Cyprus: Sends Follow-Up Letter to President Clinton 11/30/99 4161
40 AHI Sends Rebuttal Letter to Chicago Tribune 12/01/99 4285
41 Wall Street Journal Publishes AHI Letter 12/02/99 4184
42 AHI Urges President Clinton to Insist on Conditions for Turkish Candidacy for the European Union 12/09/99 4109
43 AHI Statement on Decision of the European Union Council to Accept Turkey as Candidate for Accession 12/14/99 4186
44 AHI Letter to President Clinton Stresses Need for Presidential Involvement in Cyprus Problem 12/15/99 4354
45 AHI Letter to President Clinton Calls U.S. Support for Turkey-Israel Defense Relationship as Against U.S. Interest 12/20/99 4073