American Hellenic Institute


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2004 Press Releases
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# Article Title Date Hits
1 Op-Ed by AHI General Counsel published in The National Herald 01/07/04 4021
2 AHI Sends Letter to president Bush regarding Turkish Prime Minister's Visit to the White House 01/27/04 4138
3 The Armenian National Committee of America and AHI Send Letter to the American Jewish Congress to Express their Disappointment for Granting Bravery Award to Turkish Prime Minister 01/28/04 4409
4 Professor Van Coufoudakis Appointed AHIF Senior Fellow of International Relations 01/30/04 4012
5 Greek American Organizations Call for Changes in the Annan Plan in the Interests of the U.S. 02/17/04 3945
6 AHI Alerts President George W. Bush of Greek American Organization's Call for Changes in the Annan Plan in the Interests of the U.S. 02/19/04 4156
7 Cypriot Ambassador Speaks on Cyprus Issue at AHI Noon Forum 02/20/04 4139
8 Greek American Organizations' Policy Statement on FYROM 02/25/04 4162
9 Op-Ed by AHI General Counsel published in The National Herald 02/26/04 4133
10 Greek American Organizations' Policy Statement on Albania 02/27/04 4147
11 Prominient DC Attorney Featured at AHI Business Network Luncheon 03/01/04 4321
12 Greek American Organizations' Policy Statement on the Aegean Sea Boundary 03/02/04 3996
13 Greek American Organizations' Policy Statement on the Need for Critical Review of U.S. Policy Toward Turkey 03/03/04 3818
14 Greek American Organizations' Policy Statement on Economic and Military Aid to Turkey 03/04/04 3842
15 Greek American Organizations' Policy Statement on Compensation to Turkey's Victims 03/08/04 3892
16 Ambassador Tom Weston Speaks at AHI Noon Forum-Audience Addresses Tough Questions Regarding the Need for Changes in the Annan Plan 03/08/04 3904
17 Greek American Organizations' Policy Statement on Turkey's Suppression of Human Rights 03/09/04 3984
18 Jerusalem Post Article on the Flaws in the Annan Plan for Cyprus 03/09/04 4055
19 Important Statement from Representative Frank Pallone Jr. on the Annan Plan for Cyprus 03/10/04 4042
20 Op-Ed by AHI General Counsel published in The National Herald 03/12/04 3921
21 AHI Praises Members of Congress for Voicing their Concerns to Secretary Powell and Secretary-General Annan RE Cyprus 03/23/04 3978
22 AHI 29th Anniversary Dinner Honors the Olympic Games and Hellenic Heritage Achievement and National Public Service Awardees 03/26/04 4528
23 AHI Hosts Congressional Salute to Greek Independence Day 03/30/04 4152
24 Op-Ed by AHI President Published in the National Herald 04/07/04 3965
25 AHI Alerts President George W. Bush to Inaccurate References to the FYROM as "Macedonia" 04/07/04 3871
26 AHI Letter to the Washington Post Responds to Editorial on Forthcoming April 24, 2004 Annan Plan Referendum 04/08/04 4042
27 AHI Congratulates Cypriot President Tassos Papadopoulos 04/08/04 3894
28 Online Link to AHI's Initiatives Concerning the Annan Plan 04/15/04 3946
29 Greek American Organizations Send Letter to President Bush Stating Annan Plan "Not in the Best Interests of the U.S." 04/19/04 3894
30 Op-Ed by AHI President Published in the National Herald 04/21/04 4272
31 Congressman Mike Bilirakis’ important statement on House floor in opposition to Annan Plan 04/21/04 3893
32 AHI Statement in Response to White House Press Secretary’s Statement on the Annan Plan 04/22/04 3874
33 AHI Statement on the Annan Plan Vote 04/26/04 4031
34 AHI Letter Responds to New York Times Editorial 04/27/04 4608
35 AHI President Gene Rossides Appeared on Voice of America’s NewsLine 04/28/04 4117
36 Deputy Minister of Defense Mr. Vasilios Michaloliakos discusses Greece’s role as a power for stability and peace at AHI Noon Forum 05/10/04 3956
37 AHI Letter Responds to Baltimore Sun Editorial 05/11/04 4057
38 AHI Testimony to House Appropriations Subcommittee on Foreign Operations 05/13/04 3976
39 AHI Sends Joint Letter to President Bush 05/17/04 3918
40 AHI Hosts Seminar on "Cyprus—The Road Ahead and U.S. Interests" 05/21/04 4616
41 AHI sends letter to Secretary Colin L. Powell 06/12/04 4031
42 AHI Sends Letter to President George W. Bush 06/22/04 3981
43 Turkey-A Stain on NATO's Honor 06/25/04 4054
44 AHI Delegation Completes Annual Trip to Greece and Cyprus 07/08/04 4104
45 AHI Hosts Noon Forum on Capitol Hill on "Cyprus: 30 Years Later—An Assessment of the Annan Plan and Where Do We Go From Here" 07/08/04 4535
46 AHI Congratulates AHI Member Kyriakos Tsakopoulos on Endowing an Hellenic Studies Chair at Columbia University and the Tsakopoulos Family for Its History of Philanthropy 07/15/04 4322
47 AHI Sends Letter to Senator John Kerry For His Consideration of Issuing a Statement to the Greek American Community 07/19/04 2526
48 AHI Letter Responds to New York Times Article 07/20/04 4092
49 Statement by the American Hellenic Institute Commemorating the 30-Year Anniversary of Turkey’s Aggression Against Cyprus 07/20/04 3816
50 AHI Sends Letter to President George W. Bush for his Consideration of Issuing a Statement to the Greek American Communities 07/22/04 3871
51 AHI Statement in Response to the State Department’s Publication of False and Misleading Census Data for the Greek Minority in Albania 07/26/04 4096
52 The Washington Times Prints AHI Letter 07/30/04 3902
53 AHI sends letter to Democratic Presidential Candidate Senator John Kerry on issues of concern to the Greek American community 08/02/04 3934
54 AHI Executive Director Nick Larigakis Completes his Participation as a Volunteer for the Athens 2004 Olympic Games—Interviewed by NBC Washington, DC Affiliate 09/10/04 4047
55 Representative Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ) Introduces Bipartisan Legislation Initiated by AHI which Allows Americans to Seek Financial Remedies for Their Property Losses in the Turkish Occupied Territory of Cyprus 09/15/04 3320
56 Deputy Foreign Minister Evripidis Stylianidis Visits AHI to Discuss Business Relations between Greece and the U.S. 09/30/04 3926
57 President Stephanopoulos of Greece presents "Commander of the Order of the Phoenix" Award to AHI President Gene Rossides 10/14/04 4237
58 AHI Hosts Business Network Luncheon on "Inheritance Law in Greece" with Guest Speaker Steven Kourtis 10/19/04 3997
59 Op-Ed by AHI President Published in The National Herald 10/19/04 4004
60 AHI Members Thanasi and Stephanie Liakos Host a Fundraising Reception in support of AHI 10/21/04 5896
61 New U.S. Ambassador to Greece Visits AHI 10/27/04 4053
62 Members of Hellenic Parliament Pay Visit to Hellenic House 10/28/04 3881
63 AHI Commemorates "OXI" Day: The Importance of Greece to the United States Then and Today 10/29/04 4038
64 AHI Leadership Interviewed by National and International Media 10/29/04 3861
65 Statement of the American Hellenic Institute 11/04/04 4031
66 Congressman Rob Andrews (D-NJ) Sends Letter to Secretary of State Colin Powell Regarding FYROM Recognition 11/05/04 3906
67 As Late as October 29, 2004 State Department Letter to AHI Confirms No Change in U.S. Policy Regarding FYROM 11/05/04 3861
68 AHI Sends Letter to President George W. Bush Urging a Reversal of the State Department’s decision to recognize FYROM as the "Republic of Macedonia" 11/05/04 3740
69 AHI Hosts Business Network Luncheon with Sports Reporter Larry Michael 11/05/04 4002
70 AHI Hosts Golf Tournament 11/12/04 4401
71 Op-Ed by AHI President Published in The National Herald 11/12/04 4005
72 The Washington Times Prints AHI Letter 11/15/04 4080
73 AHI Executive Director’s Feature Article on his Account of Athens 2004 Olympics Experience Published in The Hellenic News of America 11/18/04 3912
74 Congressional Hellenic Caucus Chairs, Reps. Bilirakis and Maloney, Express Concern to Powell Over Recent Actions Toward Cyprus 11/23/04 3935
75 AHI Executive Director Speaks at American and Drexel University 11/24/04 3830
76 AHIF Launches $10 Million Endowment Fund Campaign 11/29/04 4058
77 AHI Commends Senator Olympia J. Snowe (R-ME) for her Initiative to Request Clarification from the Transportation Security Administration Officials Regarding Recent Actions in Occupied Cyprus 12/07/04 3462
78 Letter to the Editor by AHI Executive Director Published in The National Herald 12/10/04 3865
79 Letter to the Editor by AHI Advisory Board Member Published in The National Herald 12/13/04 3958
80 AHI Executive Director Completes Annual Trip to Greece 12/16/04 3956
81 AHI Congratulates Members of Congress on Letter Regarding the Recent TSA Activities in Occupied Cyprus 12/21/04 3825
82 Op-Ed by AHI President Published in The National Herald 12/21/04 3779
83 AHI Statement on EU's Decision Regarding Turkey's Date for Accession Negotiations 12/29/04 4037