American Hellenic Institute


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1998 Press Releases
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# Article Title Date Hits
1 The Kurdish Refugee Crisis: A Crisis for U.S. Foreign Policy 01/13/98 4309
2 Attack on Christian Church in Istanbul 01/15/98 4446
3 The Center for the Study of Turkish Genocides and Crimes Against Humanity 01/23/98 4454
4 Turkey: Not A Normal Democracy 01/23/98 4297
5 The Cyprus Problem: The Challenge for U.S. Foreign Policy 01/27/98 4576
6 AHI's Annual Hellenic Heritage and Public Service Awards Dinner 01/29/98 4155
7 Cyprus: Religious Respect and the Opposite 02/03/98 4285
8 The Administration's Budget Proposals for Turkey 02/04/98 4355
9 Turkey: Another Dismal Human Rights Year 02/09/98 4413
10 Re-Election of President Glafcos Clerides 02/15/98 4304
11 American Hellenic Institute Business Network Kicks Off 1998 With A Flurry of Networking Events 02/16/98 5291
12 American Hellenic Institute Public Affairs Committee Announces Election of Nicholas E. Chimicles as New Chariman 03/06/98 4312
13 AHI Sends Policy Letter to President Clinton 03/09/98 4143
14 AHI Presents "Congressional Salute To Greek Independence Day" 03/17/98 4260
15 AHI Releases 1998 Greek American Policy Statements 03/19/98 4137
16 AHI Plays Pivotal Role in Winning VISA Waiver for Greek Citizens 03/26/98 4200
17 Cyprus Opens Negotiations with European Union 03/30/98 4199
18 Over Three Hundred Guests Celebrate AHI's "Congressional Salute to Greek Independence Day" 04/01/98 4141
19 AHIPAC Testimony Highlights Positive Opportunitites in Greece and Cyprus, Condemns Turkish Violations of Law, and Calls for a New U.S. Policy Toward Turkey 04/01/98 4046
20 Majority of Turkish Cypriots Favor Negotiations with the European Union 04/08/98 4118
21 AHI Protests White House Criticism of Cyprus as Contrary to U.S. Interests: Defends Cyprus' Right to Self-Defense 05/06/98 4094
22 American Hellenic Institute Foundation to Sponsor Capitol Hill Conference on Cyprus 05/08/98 4165
23 AHI Presented Three West Coast Seminars on "Cyprus: An International Business Center" 06/03/98 4146
24 American Hellenic Institute Foundation Holds Capitol Hill Conference on Cyprus 06/12/98 4146
25 The Cyprus Problem: The American Hellenic Institute Calls for a Realistic Approach Based on the True Issues 06/16/98 3983
26 AHI Holds Farewell Dinner for Greek Ambassador Loucas Tsilas 06/29/98 4931
27 AHI Calls for Further U.S. Report and Hearings on Turkey's World War II Collaboration with Nazi Germany 07/01/98 3994
28 AHI Sends Letter to Secretary Albright Protesting U.S. Opposition to S-300 Air Defense System as Contrary to International Law 07/13/98 4328
29 House of Representatives Panel Endorses Humanitarian Aid for Cyprus 07/17/98 4710
30 Congress Calls for Hearings on Illegal Transfers of U.S. Arms by Turkey: AHI Calls on Members to Support This Action 07/20/98 3996
31 AHI Calls for U.S. Warning to Turkey Not to Take Military Action Against S-300 Air Defense System 07/21/98 4166
32 Statement of Eugene T. Rossides on U.S-Greek War of Words 07/27/98 4063
33 AHI Summer Interns Meet with their Congressmen 07/27/98 4241
34 The True Nature of the Cyprus Problem: Invasion and Occupation 07/27/98 4174
35 U.S Representatives Support Cyprus and Condemn Turkey in Special Order Session on Cyprus 08/06/98 4088
36 The Summer 1998 Interns 08/08/98 4976
37 AHI Holds Farewell Luncheon for Cyprus Ambassador Andros Nicolaides 08/18/98 4472
38 AHI Calls for Clear U.S. Statement Condemning and Refuting Illegal Claims by Turkey to Greek Soverign Territory 08/31/98 4107
39 AHI Calls for U.S. Rejection of Turkish Challenge to U.S. Policy on Cyprus and an End to Appeasement of the Turkish Military 09/03/98 4012
40 American Hellenic Institute Foundation to Sponsor Washington D.C. Conference on the United States and Turkey 09/14/98 3961
41 U.S. Government Analysis Confirms AHI Assessment of S-300 Air Defense System as Wholly Defensive 09/15/98 4232
42 AHIF Announces Its New Publication "The Truman Doctrine of Aid to Greece: A Fifty-Year Retrospective" 09/16/98 4267
43 Greece and the Euro: The Implications for Financial Services in Southeastern Europe 10/13/98 4411
44 AHI Calls for U.S. to Apply Rule of Law to Turkey 10/15/98 4240
45 AHIPAC 1998 Candidate Questionaire to All Candidates in Novermber House and Senate Election 10/26/98 4120
46 AHIPAC Initiated Legislation on Ecumenical Patriarchate Included in 1999 Appropriations Law 10/26/98 4252
47 The United States and Greece: Ambassador Burns Welcomes Improved Relations 10/30/98 4154
48 Opening of Substantive Accession Negotiations Between the European Union and the Republic of Cyprus 11/10/98 3981
49 AHI Calls on U.S. to Apply Legislation on Halki School of Theology to Turkey's Latest Interference with the School 11/11/98 4112
50 Greek American and Armenian American leaders Express Concern About jewish Organizations' Support for Turkey 11/20/98 4231
51 American Hellenic Institute Foundation Holds Washington, D.C. Conference on U.S. Policy Toward Turkey 11/24/98 4011
52 The European Union: Future Relations with Cyprus and Turkey 12/03/98 4123
53 Statement of General Counsel Eugene T. Rossides with Regard to Cyprus Government Decision to Cancel the S-300 Acquisition 12/30/98 4000