FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: JONATHAN CLARKE AHI CALLS FOR FURTHER U.S. REPORT AND HEARINGS ON TURKEY'S WORLD WAR II COLLABORATION WITH NAZI GERMANY On July 1, 1998 the American Hellenic Institute sent a letter (copy attached) to Under Secretary of State Stuart E. Eizenstat congratulating him and all persons involved in the publication of a report giving details of Turkey's active collaboration with Nazi Germany during World War 11. In the letter and in parallel letters to Senator Al D'Amato and Representative Jim Leach, Eugene T. Rossides, AHI general counsel, stated that Turkey's role in collaborating with Hitler involves issues of fundamental morality and equity. Mr. Rossides called upon the U.S. to make a further investigation and report and for Congress to hold hearings. These are particularly important in view of Turkey's attack on the report's validity. Is of the utmost importance that Turkey's role be made known to the families of Allied military personnel killed or wounded in the extra months of fighting and that arrangements be made for Turkey to compensate them. The four areas for a further investigation and report and hearings are: |
AHI Calls for Further U.S. Report and Hearings on Turkey's World War II Collaboration with Nazi Germany