American Hellenic Institute


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2008 Press Releases
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# Article Title Date Hits
1 International Genocide Scholars Association Officially Recognizes Assyrian, Greek Genocides 01/04/08 4153
2 AHI Sends Letter to President Bush Regarding January 8 Meeting with Turkish President Gul 01/04/08 3994
3 AHI Noon Forum on “Washington’s Policy Toward FYROM and the Balkans: Institutionalizing Instability” 01/10/08 6746
4 Op-Ed on “Annual Report on Executive Branch Actions and Inactions Regarding Greece, Cyprus and Turkey” 01/24/08 3887
5 AHI Business Network Host New York Event The King of “Easy” Tells His Story at the New York City’s Harvard Club 01/24/08 4201
6 Secretary General for European Affairs of Greece’s Foreign Ministry Dimitrios Katsoudas Visits AHI 01/24/08 4484
7 Inaugural Meeting of the AHI-New England Chapter 01/29/08 3974
8 AHI Statement on the Passing of Archbishop Chistodoulos 01/29/08 3897
9 AHI Sends Letter to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice Regarding FYROM 01/31/08 4153
10 Op-Ed: The U.S. and the FYROM Name Dispute 02/05/08 4031
11 Op-Ed: The U.S. Kosovo Policy Needs Change 02/15/08 3946
12 AHI Joins Other Greek American Organizations In Placing a One Page AD in the Washington Times Featuring an Open Letter to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice Regarding FYROM 02/15/08 3748
13 AHI Announces 2008 Greek American Policy Statements 02/26/08 4038
14 Op-Ed: State Department’s Web Info on Turkey False and Misleading 02/27/08 3922
15 Greek Deputy Minister of Development Stavros Kalafatis Visits AHI Hellenic House Headquarters 03/10/08 4121
16 Congress Honors Greek Independence Day 03/19/08 4013
17 AHI Executive Director Nick Larigakis Submits on behalf of the American Hellenic Institute on the Fiscal Year 2009 Appropriations Bill Submitted to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs March 20, 2008 03/21/08 3447
18 Op-Ed: State Department Web Info on Greece Needs Improvement 03/25/08 3838
19 The "Argonauts" Association of Magnesia Honors AHI Executive Director 03/26/08 3969
20 AHI Sends Letter to Smithsonian Institution Regarding Lecture on “Macedonia” 03/28/08 3778
21 Greek Minister of Development Christos Folias Visits AHI Hellenic House Headquarters 04/02/08 4093
22 AHI Sends Letter to U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom 04/03/08 3797
23 AHI Hosts Weekend Activities to Celebrate 33rd Anniversary Hellenic Heritage Achievement and National Public Service Awards Dinners 04/04/08 4015
24 AHI Sends Letter to The New York Times Regarding Editorial on “Macedonia” 04/07/08 3919
25 Greek Deputy Minister of Agriculture Konstantinos Kiltidis Visits AHI Hellenic House Headquarters 04/11/08 3791
26 Response to AHI Director's Letter to Smithsonian 04/11/08 4051
27 Op-Ed: Tom Cholakis: A Man for All Seasons 04/17/08 4166
28 AHI Hosts Annual Congressional Salute to Greek Independence Day 04/24/08 3984
29 Mr. Evangelos Venizelos, Greek Parliament Member Visits AHI Hellenic House Headquarters 04/24/08 4036
30 Doug Bandow Speaks at AHI Noon Forum on “Improving U.S. – Russian Relations: A Key to Balkan Stability" 04/28/08 3957
31 AHI Meets with Pennsylvania Congressman, Joe Sestak 05/01/08 3948
32 AHI Noon Forum with Van Coufoudakis “International Law and Minority Protection: The Fate of the Greeks of Imbros and Tenedos” 05/13/08 4272
33 John Calamos Sr. Speaks at AHI Business Network Event in Philadelphia 05/13/08 4153
34 Professor Christos P. Ioannides Appointed AHIF Fellow of Greek American and Cyprus Studies 05/14/08 4789
35 The NE Chapter of AHI holds Successful Seminar on Grassroots Lobbying 05/15/08 3659
36 AHI Sends Letter to The Washington Times Regarding Editorial on “Macedonia” 05/21/08 4060
37 American Hellenic Institute Expresses Its Deep Sorrow on the Passing of Charles Moskos 06/02/08 3931
38 Alexis Phylactopoulos, CYA President, Speaks at AHI Noon Forum on “College Year in Athens: 45 Years in the Service of U.S.-Greek Cultural Relations” 06/03/08 4143
39 Op-Ed: British and U.S. Responsibility for Turkey’s Aggression in Cyprus 06/03/08 4011
40 Op-Ed: McCain, Obama & Turkey’s Lobbyists 07/02/08 4359
41 AHI Delegation Completes Annual Trip to Greece and Cyprus 07/10/08 4330
42 AHI-Athens Gala Dinner Honors World-Renowned Composer Vangelis and Female Entrepreneur Kitty Kyriacopoulos 07/10/08 4190
43 American Hellenic Institute Draws Attention to Continuing Restrictions on Religious Freedom in Turkey 07/14/08 3805
44 AHI Supports AHEPAcademy Washington Summer Program for Second Year in a Row 07/14/08 4123
45 U.S. Ambassador Designate to Cyprus Visits AHI 07/15/08 3936
46 Op-Ed: Obama – McCain and a State Department Shakeup 07/18/08 4007
47 AHI Hosts Timely Forum on Cyprus 34 Years After Invasion and Occupation—Experts Agree that Key to Solution Remains in Ankara 07/23/08 4248
48 American Hellenic Institute Praises Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) For His Stance on Macedonian Naming Issue 07/24/08 3909
49 Snow to Rice Letter 07/24/08 4011
50 AHI Honors Congressman Zack Space of Ohio 07/24/08 3915
51 AHEPA Endorses 2008 Greek American Policy Statements 07/25/08 4288
52 Op-Ed Published in the Washington Times: 07/25/08 4047
53 Newly Appointed U.S. Deputy Chief of Mission to Athens Embassy Visits AHI 07/25/08 3938
54 U.S. Congress Commemorates 34 year Turkish Illegal Invasion and Occupation of Cyprus 07/28/08 3926
55 Op-Ed: Obama—Sudan, Zimbabwe, Turkey and the Rule of Law 07/29/08 3841
56 The Washington Times Prints AHI Letter Regarding Cyprus 08/06/08 3781
57 Op-Ed: What About Turkey’s War Criminals? 08/18/08 3802
58 AHI Sends Letter to President Bush Regarding Russia/Georgia and Turkey/Cyprus 08/20/08 3535
59 Op-Ed: State’s Blunders on Georgia and Cyprus Damage U.S. Interests 09/09/08 3712
60 Deputy Secretary of State Negroponte Meets with AHI Leadership 09/15/08 3527
61 AHI Reaches Out to Presidential Candidates 09/20/08 4189
62 Greece’s Deputy Minister of Economy and Finance Visits AHI’s Hellenic House 09/20/08 3876
63 Sen. McCain’s Letter to President Bush Regarding the Ecumenical Patriarchate 09/26/08 3796
64 Congressional Hopeful from Maine Sends Position Paper to AHI on Issues Relating to U.S. Relations with Greece and Cyprus 09/26/08 3692
65 Newly Employed AHI Staff Members 09/26/08 4296
66 Greece's Chief of the General Staff Visits Hellenic House 09/30/08 4011
67 Op-Ed: Support Our Greek American Candidates for Congress 09/30/08 4215
68 The American Hellenic Institute Urges Restriction of Turkish Government Involvement in UN-Backed Reunification Talks Between Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots 10/07/08 3356
69 AHI Hosts Capitol Hill Event in Commemoration of the Smyrna Catastrophe of 1922 with Featured Guest Giles Milton Presenting His Recently Published Book Paradise Lost, Smyrna 1922 10/08/08 3602
70 The Institute on Religion and Public Policy Lists Turkey for Potential Designation as a Country of Particular Concern in 2009 10/08/08 3577
71 Obama/Biden Release Statement on Greek American Issues 10/16/08 3733
72 AHI Hosts Fifth Annual Golf Tournament 10/21/08 4021
73 Op-Ed: Does Turkey want a Cyprus Settlement? 10/23/08 3816
74 Greece’s Deputy Minister of National Defense Visits Hellenic House 10/28/08 3887
75 AHI Noon Forum Commemorates the Anniversary of OXI Day with Guest Speaker Gregory C. Pappas, Publisher of Greek America Magazine 11/11/08 4071
76 D-Day and OXI Day 11/12/08 3999
77 Op-Ed: Setting the Record Straight 11/18/08 3774
78 AHI Sends a Letter to Chairman Gene Taylor of the Armed Services Subcommittee on Seapower and Expeditionary Forces Regarding Two OSPREY Mine Hunter Ships 11/18/08 3674
79 U.S. Ambassador Designated to Turkey, James Jeffrey, Visits Hellenic House 11/19/08 3751
80 Op-Ed: Obama/Biden and Turkey 12/08/08 3872
81 Cyprus News Agency Interview with AHI Executive Director 12/11/08 3747
82 AHI Mourns the Passing of the former President of Cyprus, Tassos Papadopoulos 12/12/08 3649
83 AHIF Hosts 7th Annual Conference on the Future of Hellenism in America 12/19/08 3934
84 AHI Executive Director Completes Annual Trip to Greece and Cyprus 12/22/08 4015