American Hellenic Institute


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2005 Press Releases
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# Article Title Date Hits
1 Op-Ed by AHI President Published in The National Herald 01/05/05 3879
2 AHI Hosts Noon Forum on "An Exchange of Ideas between Greece and the United States" with Member of Greek Parliament Eleftheria Bernidaki-Aldous 01/13/05 5167
3 Op-Ed by AHI President Published in The National Herald 01/14/05 3876
4 The Washington Post diplomatic column cites speech given by Greek Parliament Member Eleftheria Bernidaki-Aldous at AHI 01/21/05 3861
5 Greece, Cyprus, Turkey and Bush’s Inaugural Speech 02/02/05 4028
6 AHI to Host 30th Anniversary Hellenic Heritage and National Public Service Awards Dinner 02/11/05 3884
7 AHI Sends Letter to 8 U.S. Companies Urging Them to Reconsider Their Delegation Trip to Occupied Northern Cyprus 02/14/05 3566
8 Congressman Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ) Sends Letter to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice Regarding U.S. Business Delegation Trip to the Northern Occupied Part of Cyprus 02/16/05 3785
9 AHI Sends Letter to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice Regarding the U.S. Delegation Trip to the Northern Occupied Part of Cyprus 02/16/05 3644
10 AHI Confirms that American Express Bank Ltd. was “Inadvertently Included” on the List of U.S. Companies who are Scheduled to Visit the Northern Occupied Part of Cyprus 02/16/05 3741
11 The Wall Street Journal Piece Highlights Turkey’s Promotion of Anti-American Attitudes 02/17/05 3631
12 Representative Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ) Reintroduces Bipartisan Legislation—the American Owned Property In Occupied Cyprus Claims Act; Thanks AHI for "invaluable contribution" regarding this legislation. 02/17/05 3218
13 AHI Confirms that Additional Companies Did Not Participate in the Delegation Trip to the Occupied Northern Part of Cyprus 02/18/05 3608
14 Hosts Business Network Luncheon on "How the SBA Helps America’s Small Businesses" with Guest Speaker Michael J. Pappas 02/21/05 3772
15 AHI Letter Congratulates The Wall Street Journal and Senior Editorial Page Writer Robert L. Pollock 02/25/05 4118
16 Bidding for the AHI Silent Auction to Begin On-line 03/01/05 3971
17 Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), Honoree at AHI Annual Dinner, Calls for removal of the Turkish troops on Cyprus and supports the Greek Cypriots "no" vote on the Annan Plan 03/07/05 3355
18 AHI Sends Letter to President George W. Bush Regarding The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Times and Turkey 03/10/05 3887
19 The Washington Times Prints AHI Letter 03/11/05 3747
20 AHI Sends Letter to President George W. Bush Regarding The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Times and Turkey 03/11/05 3684
21 AHI Executive Director Attends Swearing in Ceremony of the New President of the Hellenic Republic Karolos Papoulias 03/15/05 3840
23 Syria Out of Lebanon—Turkey Out of Cyprus 03/24/05 3923
25 AHI President and Executive Director Among White House Guests for Celebration of Greek Independence Day 03/30/05 3576
26 Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) in a letter to President Bush calls the Annan Plan "not a viable solution to the Cyprus problem." 03/31/05 3709
27 AHI Hosts Briefing for Four Greek Law School Students from the University of Athens 04/05/05 3964
28 The American Hellenic Institute Expresses Its Deepest Sorrow on the Passing of Archbishop Iakovos 04/12/05 3609
29 AHI Hosts Congressional Salute to Greek Independence Day 04/12/05 3978
30 AHI Executive Director Nick Larigakis Testifies Opposing $10 Million in Aid to Turkey and $20 Million in Aid to Cyprus as not in the best interest of the U.S. 04/15/05 3635
31 AHI Sends Letter to Secretary Condoleezza Rice Regarding Turkey’s Violation of U.S. Law by its Recent Transfer of U.S.-origin Tanks to Cyprus 04/19/05 3637
32 Greek Minister of Public Order Georgios Voulgarakis Honored at AHI Dinner 04/20/05 5475
33 AHI Hosts Noon Forum on "Cyprus: One Year After EU Accession—Prospects for a Solution" with Dr. Van Coufoudakis 04/21/05 4135
34 AHI Hosts Noon Forum on "Current Challenges for the Greek Economy" with Dr. Plutarchos Sakellaris 04/21/05 3746
35 AHI Executive Director and Advisory Board Members Participate in 2005 Hermes Expo International 04/25/05 3676
36 AHI Hosts a Luncheon on the Occasion of the 30-Person Visiting Greek Business Delegation to Washington, D.C. 04/26/05 4401
37 Greek Minister of Defense Spilios Spiliotopoulos Visits AHI Hellenic House Headquarters 04/27/05 6215
38 AHI Statement on Annan Plan-5 The Annan-5's Political and Economic Corruption Provisions 05/03/05 3534
39 AHI and Pan-Macedonian Association Host Capitol Hill Conference on "FYROM: The Need for Reassessment of U.S. Policy in the Balkans" 05/09/05 4034
40 Greek American Organizations’ Policy Statement Calls on the U.S. to Establish a "Special Relationship" with Greece 05/10/05 3517
41 Legislation Introduced Regarding the Maritime Borders Between Greece and Turkey in the Aegean 05/10/05 3718
42 Greek American Organizations' Policy Statement on the Cyprus Problem 05/12/05 3654
43 Greek American Organizations’ Policy Statement on the Aegean Sea Boundary 05/13/05 3686
44 Greek American Organizations’ Policy Statement on the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 05/16/05 3699
45 Greek American Organizations’ Policy Statement on Turkey’s Suppression of the Religious Freedom of the Ecumenical Patriarchate 05/17/05 3536
46 Greek American Organizations’ Policy Statement on Critical Review of U.S. Policy Toward Turkey Needed 05/18/05 3515
47 Greek American Organizations’ Policy Statement on Compensation to Turkey’s Victims 05/19/05 3640
48 AHI Sends Letter to Secretary Condoleezza Rice Regarding the Forthcoming Trip by Members of Congress to the Illegally Occupied Part of Cyprus 05/19/05 3512
49 Greek American Organizations’ Policy Statement on Albania 05/20/05 3722
50 Greek American Organizations’ Policy Statement on Armenia 05/23/05 3696
51 Greek American Organizations’ Statement on Policy Themes 05/24/05 3761
52 AHI Welcomes New Staff Member 05/24/05 4149
53 AHI Noon Forum Commemorates the Anniversary of the "Battle of Crete" 05/25/05 3849
54 Greek American Organizations’ Statement on Legislative Priorities 05/25/05 3736
55 AHI Sends Letter to President Bush Regarding Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan’s Visit to the White House on June 8, 2005 05/26/05 3441
56 AHI Sends Letter to Congressman Edward Whitfield (R-KY) Regarding his Forthcoming Trip to the Illegally Occupied Part of Cyprus 05/26/05 3679
57 AHI Delegation Departs on its Annual Trip to Greece and Cyprus 05/27/05 3669
58 2005 Greek American Policy Statements Available Online 05/27/05 3668
59 AHI Hosts Briefing on the Hill "Cyprus in the EU: One Year Later—Prospects for Reunification" with Ambassador Evriviades 05/27/05 3523
60 The Washington Times Prints AHI Letter 05/31/05 3671
61 The American Hellenic Institute Foundation Elects Kyriakos Tsakopoulos to the Board of Directors 06/14/05 4067
62 AHI Hosts Business Noon Forum on "Housing and Economic Outlook" with Dr. Andreas Pericli 06/24/05 3730
63 AHI Hosts a Book Signing with Eleni Gage 06/27/05 6430
64 AHI Confirms Misinformation in TRNC Daily Newspaper Article 07/01/05 3647
65 AHI Delegation Completes Annual Trip to Greece and Cyprus 07/01/05 4065
66 Two Fundraising Receptions Hosted in support of AHI 07/05/05 3771
67 AHI Sends Letter to Secretary Condoleezza Rice Regarding the State’s Web on Cyprus as False and Misleading 07/15/05 3455
68 The Washington Times Prints AHI Letter 07/18/05 3568
69 AHI Sends Letter to Secretary Condoleezza Rice Calling for an Apology from the State Department for Its Unlawful and Other Conduct in 1974 which led to the invasion of Cyprus by Turkey 07/20/05 3458
70 AHI Hosts Briefing on the Hill for Staffers "Cyprus and Washington’s Hypocrisy" by Dr. Ted Galen Carpenter 07/22/05 3575
71 "Cyprus: An Assessment of the Annan Plan- Prospects for a Solution" by Professor Van Coufoudakis 07/28/05 3710
72 Senator Olympia J. Snowe (R-ME) Voices Her Concern Regarding Congressional Travel to the Illegally Occupied Area of Cyprus 07/29/05 3837
73 Book Review by Gregory R. Copley on An International Relation Debacle: The UN Secretary-General’s Mission of Good Offices in Cyprus 1999-2004 by Claire Palley 08/08/05 3421
74 Op-Ed on TURKEY’S WAR CRIMES 08/11/05 3739
75 Kissinger—An Accessory to Turkey’s War Crimes 08/16/05 3807
76 CHARLES W. MCCASKILL, SR. 08/23/05 4864
77 Op-Ed on Turkey's Illegal Settlements In Cyprus 08/24/05 3713
78 AHI Hosts Noon Forum on "American Higher Education in Greece: Challenges and Long-Lasting Benefits" with John S. Bailey 09/09/05 3669
79 The Washington Times Prints AHI Letter 09/13/05 3758
80 AHI Hosts Noon Forum on the 50th Commemoration of Turkey’s Pogrom of September 6-7, 1955 and the Destruction of the Greek Community of Istanbul 09/14/05 3615
81 AHI Sends Letter to Editor of National Geographic Magazine Regarding their Identification of FYROM as "Macedonia" 09/23/05 3829
82 AHI Letter Responds to Washington Times Editorial 09/27/05 3535
83 The American College of Greece Awards AHI President Gene Rossides Honorary Degree 09/28/05 3957
84 Greek Minister of Economy and Finance George Alogoskoufis Visits AHI Hellenic House Headquarters 09/28/05 3734
85 The Washington Times Commentary Article Highlights Why Europe Should Not Accept Turkey Into The EU 09/30/05 3702
86 The National Herald Prints AHI Executive Director Nick Larigakis’ Letter 09/30/05 3513
87 AHI Hosts Second Annual Golf Tournament 10/05/05 5057
88 AHI Executive Director Nick Larigakis Interviewed by Odyssey Magazine 10/07/05 3586
89 Op-Ed by AHI President Published in The National Herald 10/10/05 3541
90 New Greek Ambassador to U.S. Visits AHI 10/11/05 3740
91 The Washington Times Prints AHI Letter 10/12/05 3540
92 The Washington Times Prints AHI Chairman James Marketos’ Letter 10/24/05 3769
93 AHI Sends Letter to President George W. Bush Regarding his Forthcoming Meeting with FYROM Prime Minister Vlado Buckovski 10/25/05 3387
94 AHI Sends Letter to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice Regarding her Forthcoming Meeting with Turkish Cypriot Leader Mr. Mehmet Ali Talat 10/26/05 3436
95 AHI Commemorates “OXI Day: The Historical Meaning of the Epic of October 28, 1940-41” 11/03/05 3873
96 AHI Sends Letter to Members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Regarding the Forthcoming Confirmation Hearing for the New U.S. Ambassador to Cyprus 11/08/05 3518
97 AHI Sends Letter to Members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Regarding Today’s Confirmation Hearing for the New U.S. Ambassador to Turkey 11/09/05 3526
98 Op-Ed by AHI President Published in The National Herald 11/11/05 3575
99 Senator Olympia J. Snowe (R-ME) Voices Her Disapproval of the State Department Meeting with Mehmet Ali Talat 11/17/05 3529
100 The Washington Times Prints AHI Letter 11/28/05 3712
101 New U.S. Ambassador to Cyprus Visits AHI 12/09/05 3905
102 Op-Ed by AHI President Published in The National Herald and the Greek News 12/09/05 3648
103 AHIF 4th Annual Conference on the Future of Hellenism in America 12/19/05 3797
104 Hellenic Caucus Co-Chairs Representative Mike Bilirakis (R-FL) and Representative Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) Send Letter to U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice Regarding Cyprus 12/21/05 3482
105 AHI Executive Director Completes Annual Trip to Greece 12/22/05 3729
106 Op-Ed by AHI President Published in the Greek News and The National Herald 12/27/05 3603