FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: JONATHAN CLARKE THE CYPRUS PROBLEM: The Cyprus problem has been on the international agenda since Turkey's illegal 1974 invasion. In the face of Turkish intransigence, twenty-four years of negotiations have failed to produce a settlement. Nearly ten years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, a similar physical barrier still separates the two communities in Cyprus. The absence of progress damages important national interests of the United States in the Eastern Mediterranean. The time has come for a realistic approach in which the U.S. engages the true issues. Negotiations have failed to produce a settlement because of the faulty approach adopted by the U.S. since 1974 that Cyprus is a traditional diplomatic problem where 'meet-in-the-middle' negotiations involving compromises by each side can solve the problem. Despite compromises made by Cyprus, Turkey has not reciprocated. To break the deadlock, the U.S. must follow a realistic approach based on the fundamentally clear and straightforward issues underlying the Cyprus problem. These are: 1) The Cyprus problem is one of aggression and illegal occupation by Turkey. The United States bears a national responsibility for the Cyprus tragedy. Speaking publicly in Nicosia on November 11, 1997 Ambassador Richard Holbrooke described U.S. actions in 1974 as "shameful." At a Capitol Hill conference on Cyprus on June 10, 1998 Ambassador Tom Boyatt, the State Department's Cyprus desk officer in 1974, stated that "a Cyprus solution is possible if the U.S. steps up to its responsibilities and remembers its own guilt. So we have a redemption factor here." 4) In 1974 the U.S. encouraged the illegal coup against President Makarios by the Greek junta leader General Ioannides. The time has come to restore these essential facts to the center of policy. Turkey is overwhelmingly responsible for the Cyprus problem by its aggression and illegal occupation. Instead of a barren process of negotiation which allows Turkey to deny this fact and the U.S. to divert attention from the real issues, the Administration should now: 8)MState that it is ending its current approach and that future talks will take place on the basis of restoring the status quo ante and the rule of law as it applied before Turkey's 1974 illegal invasion. |
The Cyprus Problem: The American Hellenic Institute Calls for a Realistic Approach Based on the True Issues