American Hellenic Institute


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AHI Sends Good Wishes To President Clinton On The Occasion Of His Leaving Of The Presidency
January 19, 2001 No. 3/01 (202) 785-8430

AHI Sends Good Wishes To President Clinton On The Occasion Of His Leaving Of The Presidency

On January 16, 2001 the American Hellenic Institute sent a letter of good wishes toPresident Clinton on the occasion of his leaving of the presidency. The letter, which was signed by AHI Chairman James Marketos, AHI Public Affairs Chairman Nicholas Chimicles and AHI Founder Eugene T Rossides, reads as follows:

"On behalf of the American Hellenic Institute (AHI), we take this opportunity to wish you well as you shortly embark on your new endeavors as a private citizen.

Over the past eight years we have presented to you our positions regarding issues affecting United States relations with Greece and Cyprus. We engaged in a lively dialogue, even if we did not always agree with eventual U.S. policies concerning the Southeast European and Eastern Mediterranean regions.

The essence of our unique system of democracy is that it is fundamentally based on a solid foundation of moral principles, the rule of law, and most especially, citizen participation. In the politics that are Washington, things are said and done in the pursuit of policy objectives that sometimes have required us to express harsh criticism of your Administration's positions. However, in the end, whether those objectives have been achieved, we can feel secure that this is the way our founding fathers intended it to be.

Once again, good luck with your new agenda."