American Hellenic Institute


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10-22-01 Letter to Governor John G. Rowland

October 22 , 2001

The Honorable John G. Rowland
Governor of Connecticut
State Capitol
210 Capitol Avenue 
Hartford, CT 06106

Re: Official Statement Commemorating August 30, 2001 in the State 
of Connecticut as a "Day of Remembrance for the Turkish Zafer Holiday"

Dear Governor Rowland:

I regret that I have to inform you that your proclamation regarding Turkey is seriously flawed with factual inaccuracies and omissions.

Whoever suggested this proclamation to you and whoever drafted the language for the proclamation did you and the people of Connecticut a substantial disservice.

I urge you to review the matter and withdraw this factually faulty proclamation. If one of your aims is to recognize the contributions of Turkish Americans to the State of Connecticut, I suggest you issue a proclamation dealing with that issue solely.

If you also want to express the sentiments of the residents of Connecticut to the loss of civilian lives due to war and ethnic strife, I suggest you issue a proclamation recognizing:

  1. the Armenian Genocide of 1915-1923;
  2. Turkey's genocide against its Greek citizens of the Pontos region in the 1930s and its pogrom against its Greek citizens of Istanbul in 1955; and
  3. Turkey's illegal aggression in 1974 against Cyprus, and its continuing occupation of 37 percent of Cyprus these past27 years.

Attached as Exhibit 1 (click here) is a brief review of each of the proclamation's WHEREAS clauses with comments as to where they are deficient.

In recent weeks, the Governor of Alabama, Don Siegelman, and the Mayor of Hartford, Connecticut Michael P. Peters, retracted similar historically revisionist proclamations. Governor Siegelman officially retracted a proclamation titled "Day of Remembrance of the Turkish Tragedy for Liberation to Sovereignty and Independence" on October 3, 2001, while Mayor Peters issued a formal apology on September 6, 2001 to the Greek and Armenian communities for issuing the exact proclamation you have issued regarding the Turkish Zafer Holiday.

I would very much hope and request that you reconsider and withdraw this faulty proclamation naming August 30, 2001 in the State of Connecticut as a "Day of Remembrance of the Turkish Zafer Holiday." Such a withdrawal would put a closure to an unfortunatematter, and set the historical record straight.



Eugene T. Rossides
General Counsel



cc: Congressional delegation