American Hellenic Institute


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Philadelphia Fundraiser for AHI Features NBC’s "Today Show" Producer Dorie Klissas as Special Guest Speaker
November 13, 2003 No. 55 (202) 785-8430

Philadelphia Fundraiser for AHI Features NBC’s "Today Show" Producer Dorie Klissas as Special Guest Speaker

WASHINGTON, DC—On Saturday November 1, 2003, AHI Philadelphia-area members and friends attended a reception in support of the AHI. The reception was hosted at the home of AHIPAC Chairman and longtime supporter Nicholas Chimicles and his wife Kathleen in Devon, Pennsylvania.

Special Guest Speaker was Ms. Dorie Klissas, Producer at the NBC "Today Show," who spoke on "Inside the 2004 Athens Olympics with NBC." Special thanks goes out to the evening's hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Chimicles and to all those that contributed with their presence to the success of this event.

For additional information regarding the fundraiser or the AHI in general, please contact Angeliki Vassiliou at (202) 785-8430 or, and visit our Web site at

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The American Hellenic Institute (AHI) and its affiliate organizations, the American Hellenic Institute Public Affairs Committee (AHIPAC), the American Hellenic Institute Foundation (AHIF), and the AHI Business Network, a division of the AHI, are working together under one roof, to provide a joint program for strengthening United States relations with Greece and Cyprus and within the American Hellenic community.