American Hellenic Institute


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AHI Announces Unique Sponsorship Opportunity for the 2004 Athens Olympics
November 14, 2003 No. 57 (202) 785-8430

AHI Announces Unique Sponsorship Opportunity for the 2004 Athens Olympics

The American Hellenic Institute, through the cooperation of one of its members, Jamie G. Jameson (Jameson Broadcast) and NBC/Westwood One Radio Network, has arranged for a unique opportunity in conjunction with the Athens 2004 Olympic Games:

**Exclusive sponsorship of Olympic Flashback, a 17-program radio series on the ancient Olympic Games hosted by premier sportscaster Bob Costas that provides high-impact exposure twice daily during The NBC/Westwood One Radio Network live coverage of the Games from Greece.**

The benefits of sponsorship include daily exposure during live coverage of the 2004 Olympic Games (August 13-29) in association with high-quality programming featuring America’s premier sportscaster, Bob Costas.

AHI Executive Director, Nick Larigakis stated: "It is a once in a lifetime opportunity for AHI members and friends to participate in this historic celebration of Hellenism. We look forward to an enthusiastic response to this effort."

Sponsorship of the entire Olympic Flashback series is offered for $350,000 subject to a definitive agreement. Segments of the series can be sponsored for lesser amounts, minimum of $50,000.

For additional information, please see the attached documents (click here). If you are interested in participating in this historical opportunity, please contact Nick Larigakis at (202) 785-8430 or

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The American Hellenic Institute (AHI) and its affiliate organizations, the American Hellenic Institute Public Affairs Committee (AHIPAC), the American Hellenic Institute Foundation (AHIF), and the AHI Business Network, a division of the AHI, are working together under one roof, to provide a joint program for strengthening United States relations with Greece and Cyprus and within the American Hellenic community.