American Hellenic Institute


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AHI Executive Director Nick Larigakis Sends Letter to Chairman Tom Lantos to Support the Armenian Genocide Legislation, H. Res. 106
October 4, 2007—No. 64 (202) 785-8430

AHI Executive Director Nick Larigakis Sends Letter to Chairman Tom Lantos to Support the Armenian Genocide Legislation, H. Res. 106

Washington, DC—On October 3, 2007, AHI Executive Director Nick Larigakis sent a letter to Representative Tom Lantos, the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, urging him to support the Armenian Genocide legislation, H. Res. 106. Please find the letter below.

October 3, 2007

The Honorable Tom Lantos

U.S. House of Representatives 
Foreign Affairs Committee 
2413 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington D.C. 20515

Re: Support for Armenian Genocide Legislation (H. Res. 106)

Dear Mr. Chairman:

On behalf of our nation-wide membership, I write to urge you to strongly support the Armenian Genocide legislation (H. Res. 106) with no amendments, which I understand will be considered by your Committee as early as October 10th.

Americans of Hellenic origin, and I believe most Americans, have long held that the U.S. Congress should be on record as recognizing the Armenian Genocide, commemorating this crime against all humanity, and applying its lessons to help prevent future atrocities and genocides. The Turkish government’s genocide denial campaign has no end in its attempts of pressuring the U.S. Congress to block H. Res. 106. Sadly, their efforts even go so far as to solicit former U.S. government officials to write against this important legislation.

I ask you, as someone who understands the tragic consequences of genocide and for the need of mankind to never forget such atrocities, as a respected leader in our nation’s foreign affairs, and a powerful moral voice for the values of the American people, to use your considerable influence to secure Committee approval of this measure without amendments and its final adoption by the House of Representatives.

Thank you for your consideration of the concerns of our community on this matter.

Nick Larigakis

CC: House Foreign Affairs Committee Members


For additional information, please contact Georgia Economou at (202) 785-8430 or For general information regarding the activities of AHI, please view our Web site at