American Hellenic Institute


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Parapolitika: AHI President is “Our Man in Washington”
May 13, 2015—No. 28 (202) 785-8430

Parapolitika: AHI President is “Our Man in Washington”

WASHINGTON, DC — Parapolitika newspaper profiled American Hellenic Institute (AHI) President Nick Larigakis, calling him “Our Man in Washington” and “an influential figure in the Greek-American community” in an April 25, 2015 news report that picked-up on President Larigakis’ visit to Athens in early April. The news report also describes AHI as always having been “one of the most important Greek-American organizations, with great influence on the other side of the Atlantic.” 

Parapolitika filed its report on Larigakis following his brief visit to Athens, Greece, in April 4, where he met with Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras to discuss a range of issues impacting the relationship between the United States and Greece, including Greece’s economic crisis and the potential for Greece to foster an environment friendly to attracting investment.  The news report recapped the 45-minute meeting between Prime Minister Tsipras and President Larigakis as well as other meetings Larigakis held with officials of the new Greek Government.  

Parapolitika also compliments AHI and its leadership for its prompt actions over the years when it comes to defending the interests of the Greek American community, citing letters written to U.S. government officials.


The American Hellenic Institute is an independent non-profit Greek American public policy center and think tank that works to strengthen relations between the United States and Greece and Cyprus, and within the Greek American community.


For additional information, please contact Georgea Polizos at (202) 785-8430 or at For general information about the activities of AHI, please see our website at and follow us on Twitter @TheAHIinDC.